Bouncing back!

When life is difficult and when storms blow in our lives, one question burns in our mind: How may I overcome this trial? Why are some people totally destroyed by the misfortunes of life, whether caused by others or self-induced, and yet others cope?

For Boris Cyrulnik, any setback may become the seed of victory if…the path of the person wounded by life crosses the path of a person of significance or an influential role model. This person can by his support, intentional or not, trigger us to action.

Resilience is not static; it is dynamic and progressive, to recover our direction in life, finding meaning through and despite suffering, and to successfully set further goals. To develop resilience means to purposefully battle against wounds, nightmares, and against the devastating setbacks of the past. It means entering the battle to turn hardship into opportunity.

Resilience provides the mechanism to spring back: to learn, or learn again, to grow; to discover new potentials; to trust, or trust again.

As Jacques Lecompte observes: “Hope in a better future is an indispensable lifebuoy to avoid being swallowed up by the waves of anguish.” So, from today onward, all things may be possible through trust and faith with a sure knowledge that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Céline Rossetti-Aurouze, Scrub nurse

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